TALES OF THE HORIZON™ is a story universe inspired by the increasing possibility that we may live on other worlds, among other human and non-human civilizations. Would we bring our current Earth identity with us? Or, would we leave behind our preconceptions and established paradigms? Could we truly witness new worlds, and new peoples, with fresh eyes and an open mind? What’s our galactic neighborhood really like?
The Call of the Aïdin Planet
Book One of the Legacy Saga
New Edition!

Nine-hundred thousand years ago, seven Galactic Humans discover a mysterious Time singularity on planet Earth. But, obscure Powers beyond the many worlds of the Galactic Union will not stop until they control it. Thus, the seven must make a choice, a choice that will not only affect their evolutionary future but the destiny of Earth itself.
About The Legacy Saga Series
Planet Earth has followed an uncommon evolutionary path, but its inhabitants know nothing of it. They believe their experience is a normal one. Galactic Humans and others in our Local Group of Galaxies are intrigued by the situation. More so since Earth’s bio-sphere and soul-sphere are lavishly abundant, and very attractive. But the planet is shrouded in a mysterious protective shield that defies understanding.
Most civilizations respect the planet’s iso-lated path, though a few fear its inhabitants — they are unpredictable and might cause trouble for others. All agree, however, it is better to leave them alone. But the discovery of a mysterious and powerful legacy left on Earth by an unknown race of advanced beings disturbs the existing state of affairs. The multi-galactic Union of worlds is then torn between non-intervention and taking control of the planet. Can Earth Humans be trusted with such a legacy?
The Legacy Saga is a four-book series beginning with The Call of the Aïdin Planet.
Stay tuned…