About the Publisher

Tales of the Horizon™ is a media publishing house based in Seattle, WA, United States, founded exclusively to distribute and promote stories from the Tales of the Horizon Story Universe and other creative works. We publish optimistic SciFi stories with action and adventure. Our plan includes nine books, which form the core of the story telling project. We are also creating additional branch stories and derivative works that will supplement the main books.

Our websites are:
     Tales of the Horizon™
     L.Z. Dáin™
     The Dawn of the Age of the Magicians

We focus exclusively on publishing our creative works. As such, we’ve established specific criteria. We generally publish optimistic stories with action and adventure. We refrain from including in our tales and stories guns, scenes of cruelty, and mindless evil characters. Our mission is to produce and share stories that speak of the Horizon that awaits us beyond the boundaries of our conventional thinking!

Generally, our audience is any science fiction fan who seeks intelligent stories of a more optimistic future. Our core audience are fans who look for an epic science fiction story filled with adventure, hope and optimism, and dramatic challenges too.

We have strived to go beyond stories that simply project our current Human situation on Earth into Space, or fast forward today’s circumstances into a dystopian future. Fans who like the optimism of Star Trek TNG, the epic intrigue of Dune, and the diverse races and beings of the Babylon 5 TV series will absolutely love the Tales of the Horizon!

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L. Z. DÁIN™ and TALES OF THE HORIZON™ are trademarks of Tales of the Horizon LLC, a media producing and publishing company.